Alphabetical Listing of Program Faculty
(select faculty name for more information)
Associate Professor
Veterinary Medicine
Replication of +RNA viruses. Development of the viral replication organelles.
Andrew J. Broadbent, VetMB, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Animal and Avian Sciences
Replication and pathogenesis of avian viruses, poultry diseases control and public health
Chief Laboratory of Infectious Diseases
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, NIAID, NIH
Herpesvirus vaccines. Pathogenesis of human virus infections in vitro and in vivo
Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology & Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture
Virus – host interactions. Virus- based nanotechonology
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Co-Director, Virology Program
HIV and Picornavirus replication. Aptamer development and biotechnology
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Translational Control, post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression
Director, HIV Dynamics and Replication Program
Head, Virus-Cell Interaction Section
Co-Director, Virology Program
HIV/retrovirus molecular biology
Section Chief, Caliciviruses Section
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID), NIAID
Calicivirus replication and pathogenesis, norovirus vaccines and treatment
Institute for bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Viral Immunology and HIV Vaccine Development
Section Chief, DNA Tumor Virus Section
Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID, NIH
Persistent replication mechanisms of papillomaviruses
NIH Distinguished Investigator
Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID
Biology of poxviruses, virus pathogenesis, vaccines
Assistant Professor
Institute for bioscience and Biotechnology Research and and UMd Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Structural biology of enveloped viruses and recognition by molecules of the immune system
Jaekeun Park, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Medicine
Influenza virus/host interactions, T cell responses to influenza virus vaccination and infection, Influenza animal model
Associate Professor
Institute for bioscience and Biotechnology Research and UMd Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Development and application of algorithms to model and design protein-protein interactions focusing on immune recognition and therapeutics
Principal Investigator
Office of Vaccines Review and Research, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Review, FDA
Cross-protection against enteroviruses and its effect on pathogenesis; Biology of picornaviruses
including reproduction and pathogenesis
Associate Professor
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Molecular mechanisms of respiratory virus infection and the host response; airway model systems.
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
RNA structure/function. Cap-independent translation of plus-strand viruses
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Design, synthesis, and immunological evaluation of carbohydrate-based HIV vaccines
Veterinary Medicine
Mucosal Immunity and Inflammation; host pathogen interaction